Post-capitalism. Part 2 — Is there anything to choose from?

Simon Litt
3 min readFeb 21, 2022
Is there anything to choose from?
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It is immediately clear that there is no obvious alternative. But this does not mean that the capitalism we are accustomed to is preserved. The transition to the 6th technological paradigm, which has already begun, dictates the need for radical changes. But first, let’s look at possible alternatives to capitalism.


Communism is too utopian. In addition, at present it does not have sufficient popularity.


Socialism as an alternative is more interesting. There are many currents in socialism, there are plenty to choose from. But, at the same time, this diversity leads to the division of supporters of socialism into opponents.

Among socialist ideologies, the most promising are two currents: eco-socialism and liberal socialism.

But liberal socialism has largely been realized within the framework of the existing capitalist system. Elements of liberal socialism can also become part of a new alternative, but it is unlikely that it will become this alternative itself.

Eco-socialism has a too narrow focus, but the problem of ecology will still have to be solved, and the ideas of eco-socialism may be in demand in the new system.


Anarchism carries the idea of ​​freedom. And since freedom is one of the basic social needs of a person, many ideas of anarism are popular. But, in itself, anarchism cannot be an alternative to capitalism, since it does not have the property of stability. Even if there are forces that will build an anarchist society, then the existence of such a society will not be long. Another problem with anarchism is that it is basically a protest ideology. Manifestation of protest against restrictions of freedom. A protest is always unconstructive, nothing can be created on its meringue. The protest will always act only as a tool to achieve some goals. So there is practically no chance for anarchism to become an alternative. However, some ideas of anarchism can become part of an alternative concept in the form of various network structures. The most striking example of modernity is free software.

Peer-to-peer economy

Peer-to-peer economy can be considered as a variant of the anarchist system, however, it has important differences that endow it with other qualities. This system is modern from the outset focused on existence using modern networking, communication and automation technologies. Although in its purest form this system has little chance of becoming dominant, but it has a chance of becoming a significant part of the post-capitalist economy.


Communalism is a rather balanced philosophical and economic system based on the network municipal principle. Communalism pays attention to ecology and to economic and social justice. This system can adequately fit into the modern and promising technological paradigm. Unfortunately, this system is little known and does not have wide social support. However, the existing economic system has a chance to become something similar in the course of its development.

Resource Based Economy

Resource Based Economy is a very thoughtful alternative system. It meets all modern requirements, and most importantly, it contains an alternative project of globalization. There are some elements of utopia in the ideological part, but they are not critical, but can be considered as an unattainable ideal.

Many more little-known alternative systems could be proposed, but all of them are unlikely. Even all the alternatives listed here are unlikely, and most likely only possible in the next stage. I will leave the forecast for an optimistic and realistic post-capitalist system for the next article. And in conclusion, I will collect the requirements for this promising system.


The post-capitalist system must provide a blueprint for globalization at least up to clusters of 1 billion people.


The economic system must effectively use the technologies of the 6th technological paradigm.


The system should strive to minimize environmental damage, and it should also give an answer on how to solve existing environmental problems.


And most importantly, for stability, the system must have a philosophical and ideological system that is attractive to most people. Or to have mechanisms of coercion and control over the whole society.



Simon Litt

I am interested in writing and talking about difficult things.